Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Installing a swimming pool on your property opens up plenty of possibilities for fun and relaxation, but proper pool safety etiquette must be practiced to ensure there’s no unnecessary danger involved in enjoying your pool. Here are some pool safety tips that will help you ensure safe conditions are upheld for you and anybody who is going for a swim at your pool.

Install Proper Pool Safety Equipment

As with so many safety situations, preparation ahead of time will make staying safe at your pool much easier.

A fence of at least four feet should surround the pool and shouldn’t be something that children can easily climb over. The only access should be through a self-closing and self-latching gate so no one can get into the pool without your knowledge.

For added pool safety, you can also install an alarm on the gate to your pool. This will alert you whenever the gate is opened so you can quickly react to monitor the situation and ensure everyone’s safety.

Additionally, be sure to cover your pool when it’s not in use or when you are away to prevent people from getting into the pool unsupervised.

Never Let Children Swim Alone

Strong pool safety practices become even more vital when children are involved. Children aren’t likely to be strong swimmers and may not know all the best ways to stay safe in the water. That puts them at an increased risk of being involved in a dangerous situation in your pool.

Always make sure that children are closely supervised when they’re playing in the pool. If you are in a group, designate who will keep an eye on the children, and rotate the duty so every adult has a turn.

Everyone in the group should continue to be on alert. It only takes a moment for a dangerous situation to arise. Don’t leave children unattended even for a moment when they’re in or near water.

Stay Clear of Drains and Suction Outlets

One common cause of dangerous swimming situations is the drains and suction outlets that can be found in pools, hot tubs, and jacuzzis, particularly those located in shallow water. Hair, limbs, clothing, jewelry, and other things can easily become caught in these tight spaces.

To ensure proper pool safety, ensure everyone using the pool is well aware of the location of drains and suction outlets. Teach children to maintain distance from these areas while swimming and avoid them if able.

Equip Your Drains for Safe Use

In addition to keeping a safe distance from drains, installing some additional pool safety features for these devices, such as drain covers and an emergency release device, can help mitigate dangerous situations as well. Drain covers will help lower the danger to limbs or other objects getting stuck in drains. 

An emergency release device can provide a last line of defense to help quickly free anyone who gets stuck in the drain. While you’ll hopefully never have to make use of this emergency contingency, preparing for all situations is always good pool safety practice.

No Running By the Pool

While it may have become a bit of a pool safety cliche, the adage of no running by the pool is common knowledge for a reason.

The water in the pool can often cause the area around the pool to become wet and slippery, so it doesn’t take much for a dangerous fall to occur. The slippery surface becomes even more dangerous if somebody is moving too fast across it.

Walk at a reasonable pace when you’re near the pool and warn anybody you see running to do the same. Water shoes that provide a good amount of grip can also be a good way to avoid falls, especially for children that may not have the same well-practiced balance as adults.

Don't Dive in Shallow Water

While diving can be fun, this advanced swimming technique should only be attempted where there is adequate depth in the water. Diving into water that is too shallow can lead to serious head, neck, or spinal injuries which can be even more dangerous when a person is submerged in the water. 

Having clear markers of the depth of your pool is an important safety step to take. This will help everyone using the pool know if or where it’s safe to dive and where they should enter the water more carefully.

Ensure Pool Safety with Clean Water

Injuries aren’t the only thing you have to worry about when it comes to pool safety. You also need to ensure your pool water stays clean. A dirty pool creates the perfect conditions for bacteria to thrive, raising the risk of a potential health issue.

A pool that isn’t clean can also attract pests such as insects, which often breed in damp conditions like those found near a pool. These critters aren’t only a nuisance, but can also be a vector for disease. Make sure to clean your pool regularly to avoid these issues arising.

Learn CPR and Other Emergency Techniques

When it comes to pool safety, knowing the right things to do can make all the difference. Learning CPR is one of the best ways you can prepare for emergencies that might arise near the pool. CPR will provide you with vital first-aid skills that you can apply as the first responder if somebody is in danger near your pool.

Other pool safety techniques, such as safe water rescue, can be learned ahead of time. A person in an emergency is often panicking and might struggle when you try to help. You’ll need to know the best ways to help somebody who is frightened and possibly thrashing around.

Learning and preparing ahead of time for emergency situations can help ensure proper pool safety and resolve a situation quickly.

Always Check the Pool First

If you have a pool on your property and you can’t locate a child on the premises, always check the pool first. In pool emergencies, every second counts. Being able to respond as soon as the child is in harm’s way is essential. 

A swimming pool can be a fun and relaxing addition to any home. Ensuring you’re using the proper pool safety protocols can extend the fun all season long.

If you’re searching for clean, locally sourced water for your swimming pool, large event, construction site, or emergency service your search is over!

Taylor Farm’s Water Hauling is the area’s leader in water delivery for West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and limited areas of Pennsylvania. You may contact us online or call us at 304.229.1194. We deliver water for any size swimming pool or hot tub, ponds, and cisterns. We also provide potable water for events and emergency services.

Pool Safety | Taylor Farms Water Hauling | WV, VA, MD

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